Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 3, 2008

Moths were fluttering under the lamps on campus, and it nearly winter.

Obama’s grandmother did not live to see him President. I hope she knew in her heart.

Jason visits to retrieve his painting for his show. He says that his brother is coming to live with him for a while. “I hope he stays forever,” he says. I am of two minds. The brother may distract and keep Jason from spending time with me; on the other hand, maybe the brother will like me and I will have two Sabbides to play with instead of one. I will pray for the fairer outcome.

A student comes to my office to excuse himself for missing class. His mother was diagnosed with cancer, and he rushed to be with her. He fights off tears during the dialogue. They do not understand how dear and beautiful these moments are to us. Sometimes when people say, “You have no children,” I do not know what they mean.

Am giving the Corolla to NA. It has been a good and faithful servant, and this seems a better continuation of its karma than selling it.

Circe will even leave a bowl of food to come attack the sheets while I’m making the bed. It is a kind of feline aesthetic of which I approve.

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