Saturday, May 4, 2024

 May 3, 2024

Listening to M’s interview of me for his podcast. I’m shockingly eloquent. I expected more hem-hawing. Maybe he edited it out. The photo makes me look ancient as the hills, but not in a bad way. 

Repeated messages from H, who wants to talk, who wants me to interview him to write his life story. Find out at rehearsal last night that he attempted suicide and is hospitalized in some fashion. Or so the gossip was. Unexpected unanimity of distaste for him. One expected some sympathy. You transgress too often and the wells of mortal mercy run dry. 

Had my first assignment as a docent at the Cathedral. Surprisingly draining, all that cordiality. Another surprise was the sheer number of people wanting a tour, most of them quite religious and able to quote the passages referenced in the windows. One little girl, Nina, climbed the pulpit and recited First John from memory, then revealed she could to it in Latin as well, noting that “in” is the same in both languages. Her mother was intense and kind and very religious and seemed to take a liking to me. They were from New Braunfels. I was told several times that I too could travel and take in local sights when I retire. People from Chicago, Colorado, and several places in Florida. When I go to a historic building I’m just as happy to be left alone with my thoughts, so I thought we were a little aggressive in our approach. 

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