Friday, May 17, 2024

 May 17, 2024

L& J arrived to see the play. Talky afternoon, festive evening on Patton Avenue downtown (tried a new restaurant, Enterprise, where I had a braised duck soup worth writing about), then behind to see the play, which enjoyed a full house and went exceedingly well. We sat at the back, where I could see the entire audience having a good time. It made me happy. At last curtain I heard the woman across the aisle exclaim to her companion, “I thought that was wonderful!” Full of people I know, which means more to me than it probably should. Talked deep into the night. 

Seeing that parking at AVL airport is at 100% capacity (and why wouldn’t it be a week from now?) I booked a limousine service. The voice on the phone said, “No need to insure with a credit card. I know exactly who you are.” He was B, the Humanities student who 1) was almost too handsome to endure and 2) came to me begging for a D in Humanities, which he was failing, just so he could get at last out of school. Wish granted. 

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