Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Fifteen Thousand


December 19, 2023

To the Y early, early in the shocking cold. Something had dragged the egg shells away from where I put them in the garden. Something trying to subsist on empty egg shells in this bitter weather put pity into my heart. 

Signed on to my aol account after several years. Fifteen thousand unread messages. . . .ten of which may have been direct and personal to me. 

Another David Hopes– David Terence Hopes– is a physician in Plymouth, UK. Attractive man with a gentle voice.

Vestry: M used our time (for the 7th or 8th time) to weep over something happening in her life. Weeping garbled her speech so that I never knew what it was this time. 

Trump excluded (for the moment) from the Colorado ballot. The test of whether we are actually a government of laws and the Constitution is if Trump ends up in prison. If he does not, the way to every bully and strongman stands open. Where is our Lincoln? Is it Jack Smith?

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