Wednesday, December 6, 2023

 December 1, 2023

Y first thing in December. A homeless boy had his things gathered around him on the outside bench. They called the cops on him.

Sat in the freezing rain at Starbuck’s and watched the traffic on Charlotte Street.

Dress rehearsal for GMC last night. I did as badly as I’ve ever done, fighting my voice, never knowing when a note would come and when it would not, anxiety and exhaustion making me inattentive and, to my section, not very helpful. On the other end, a three hour rehearsal is inexcusable. Standing in one place for extended periods of time will not be part of my future. 

When I return at night and my headlights light up the back yard, I see the white zig-zag of the tails of startled rabbits. 

Background: Die Kunst der Fuge

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