Monday, December 18, 2023


December 10, 2023

Winter rain. The car was rifled last night. There wasn’t much to steal, but they made off with two packs of gift wrap (leaving one) and made a mess. Left expensive binoculars behind. Considering how seldom I leave the car unlocked, either the thief was hugely lucky or sneaks in often enough to find exactly those occasions. The car was parked practically behind the house, so the intruder was bold. Will move the camera to face that way. Just after the robbery discovery, I was donning vestments in order to impersonate Saint Nicholas for the Sunday School, as I have many times past, but not recently. I think I did well, and though it is a cause of anxiety, I enjoyed it in the moment and after. Many faces gazing up at me in what might be interpreted as wonder.

Tried to relate an anecdote to J concerning our time together at a pub in London. He said, “We have never been in England together.” With some difficulty I dragged out the remembrance of the summer we spent teaching at Lucy Cavendish in Cambridge. He said, “I have almost no memories of that.” Not everyone inhabits their memories the way I do, apparently.  

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