Monday, October 2, 2023



September 30, 2023

Evidence of more ursine mischief last night. As this point it’s just planters pushed off terraces and the like, teenagers cavorting after dark.

Morning and afternoon it was Pride in Pack Square. Blazing blue, hot as summer. The sun poisoning I got in Sligo has not and perhaps will not go away. After a very short period of exposure the skin of my head and face feels and looks burnt, painful and sickening, like someone had thrown hot grease from the stove. I had a cap on, but the sun crept under the cap. As for our performance, it may be the most fun I’ve ever had on a stage. People danced in the open space in front of us. I was happy. 

In the midst of our Pride appearance, big M began shouting instructions in his truly disturbingly loud voice: “Make two lines! Remember where you were! Get in line now!” I wonder how he imagined we survived the 25 years before his arrival. What we needed was one more bossy queen. 

Three different people asked for directions and information early on Pride Day. I reflect now that the advice or information I gave them was wrong in every particular. 

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