Wednesday, October 11, 2023


October 8, 2023

Dream before waking: I was filling out an application for some sort of art/nature teaching job in the Southwest. It wasn’t right for me, but I  was desperate about my future, having been denied tenure at Syracuse and having no clear prospect of another academic job. Of course, none of this happened, or ever threatened to happen in actual life, but the fear of fear of it must have been deeply embedded. I woke grateful to be so old, with none of these struggles ahead of me. 

Having discovered “Asheville Stages, “ I read, belatedly, a very positive review of In the Assassins’ Garden. 

People asking how the play went, reciting their reasons for not coming. I want to say “Nobody is taking attendance,” but someone probably is. Will try to fight that off. 

Om Namah Sivayah

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