Tuesday, October 24, 2023


October 23, 2023

The exhaustion/illness I felt was indeed just sadness, primarily-- but not wholly-- the result of attendance at my play. Just sadness, which I suppose is better than actual disease. Mother had this, certain periods of lying down when father was cruel to her. I suppose it’s part of her legacy. One gets over it. I think I’m mostly over it. 

Into the recycling bin goes the box of unused Ben and Angela postcards. Almost all were, in essence, unused.

Party at Cynn’s yesterday, out past the end of Reems Creek. Mountains around her like the back of a scarlet and gold dragon. The English Department Old Guard was there, catching up, howling about the deformations that have rendered our university irrelevant as an institution of higher learning, however it might be a hotbed of momentary politics. I’d forgotten how physically beautiful E is. Elven. 


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