Tuesday, June 13, 2023


 June 5, 2023

AVGMC sang for the installation of Pastor Bob at the UU of Transylvania County, in Brevard. Small, hugely appreciative audience. During the service we sang hymns with texts rewritten to express environmental and social concerns. Despite honest Unitarian emphasis on diversity, not a brown face in the crowd. A recording was made and put on line. I don’t think we sound very good, but it may be the quality of the recording. Maybe not. The problems to my ear are blend and balance. W, of course, showboating, his strained and -ever-more-pinched treble piercing through the fabric of the sound, unblended as a razor in a glass of milk. B barked at him for putting on his final consonant after everybody else, presumably so it could be fully heard. 

Lunch and writing session with S and R at Green Sage. We ate, chatted, then sat at the table and wrote, each on our own project. Surprisingly conducive. I either wrote a short play or began a long one. 

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