Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Lilies of the Valley


June 9, 2023

Two nights of disturbed sleep. One night I was cold and ill, the other night I was cold and heard scratching in my room, which, being investigated, could not be located or confirmed. I think now it might have been my own empty stomach noises (they have alarmed me before), but I’ll check the outside wall in a few minutes. The scratches didn’t sound like an animal’s rhythmic, short-spaced scratches, but rather like a person dragging a stick along stone. The fact that it’s June makes me hesitant to close the windows, even in face of freezing, though the radio reported the temperature “in the low 40's” 

Not-bad rehearsal last night, possibly our last one before the Montford concert. 

Bought a ticket to the show I vowed not to see. 

Pat Robertson is dead and Donald Trump is indicted. I will pour libations to the gods. 

Bent a huge bamboo that would not break for me. Now it curves over the back garden, and mockingbirds perch on it. 

Planted lilies-of-the-valley, once more, trying to make them work for me. 

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