Sunday, April 24, 2022

Earth Day


April 22, 2022

Warm Earth Day. I spent it as I should have, in the garden, planting flame cosmos, marigolds, and the mixed wildflower packet Sara gave me. Dug out rogue cherries. Sat at the backyard table and almost fell under an enchantment whereby I couldn’t move. A thousand years later they’d find me sitting in the midst of a haunted wood, my beard tangled in the roots. Birds hard at work, feeding and finding linings for their nests. The bluejays spread themselves out on the sunlit leaves, taking in the warmth, or maybe there’s an ant there that performs a cleaning service. It’s behavior I’d not seen before. All of this was enhanced by gout in the second toe of the right foot. 

Received my Federal stimulation check for $127.01. Not all that stimulating. 

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