Saturday, April 9, 2022


April 9, 2022

Rose in the night and saw by the curious light over things that it had snowed, and was snowing. Wide awake now. Light snow everywhere. Hayden from the downstairs Alexa. 

Evening: the strangest day: snow off and on, sometimes almost a blizzard. When the clouds broke it was hot, so snow falling in considerable warmth. Sometimes the snow made the sound of rain. I suppose then it was actually hail. During some of the worst of it we were sitting outside at an outdoor table at a café on Haywood Rd choosing plays for the one-act festival. The Irish coffees did not quite turn the tide against the cold. Driving home I could barely steer for the convulsive shivering. 

Visited DJ, where I saw the considerable stand of mayapples planted by my hand, the only thing I envy from my old house. 

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