Wednesday, April 20, 2022


April 19, 2022

TheaterQ in Madison, Wisconsin, has accepted Before the Holy Temple for their one-act festival. Unfortunately, the performances are on the weekend where both the Hiram reunion and the AVGMC stand already scheduled. 

Answered a text message from CJ just in time to become part of a play reading that occurs this Wednesday at the Black Mountain Center. Last night and tonight will be my only rehearsals. The play is #Enough, a series of short student plays dealing with the epidemic of gun violence, and how it impacts overwhelmingly the Black community. The man (called “a hippie” by way of excusing his fecklessness) who was reading my parts simply stopped coming to rehearsal. Mixed bag of actors, two good, the rest passable, one goofy young kid whose present experimental goofiness bodes well, I think, for the development of a fine actor. The plays are important if not necessarily very strong artistically. One forgets that one use of theater is documentary. One forgets because the more purely documentary plays fade as the causes they dramatize fade. Something like Waiting for Lefty abides for a while. 

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