Saturday, March 20, 2021

Vernal Equinox


March 20, 2021

Vernal Equinox, cool and brilliant, the flat pale blue of the sky, the red hawks flying over, crying. Transplanted the pine seedling (the last scion of the great lost giant) to a place where it could grow as great as its sire without imperiling the house in a hundred years. Dug a new garden from the place where I planted the smoke tree back to the old hibiscus plot. I think I’ll sow it with the orange cosmos I love so much. Napped. Practiced the dance to the tape we made Friday. I can get from beginning to end in a crude way, but I’m always going too fast. Realized the door of the tool shed is the door to my closet repurposed by a former owner. Why not just get a new door? But I see that the closet door must always have been banging the bedroom door, so maybe it was a gesture of frustration. 

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