Friday, March 26, 2021

 March 22, 2021

JD writes of a piece I gave Megan twenty years ago: It’s a helluva lot more aesthetically pleasing than frenetic vomit Jonas Gerard has been unloading on dim witted tourists for decades. Maybe Dr. David Hopes should have a wall in the airport celebrating his artistic contributions to Asheville...

Ann finishes our dance. I have 5 weeks to get it right, and I think that might be possible. 

I asked H to write a blurb for The Ones with Difficult Names, and what she comes up with is :The Ones with Difficult Names moves the reader through a geography of public spaces and innermost mind across a time during which public spaces became, to us, possibly gone forever. This possibility arches over the poems as humans and animals alike seek escape, support, distraction, and love while the abyss gazes back in at them. It is a difficult and soul-opening collection. While reading, I felt the truth and fragility of life creeping up on me. After reading them, I felt the poet sitting beside me, assuring me I’m unalone. The truth is you’ve allowed my heart to feel what it’s been afraid to or did and I missed it. ❤ 

I don’t understand a word of it. I don’t even know what she is making reference to.  What am I supposed to do? Rely on the probability that she’ll never see the finished book? I feel bad, though, that one of my friends wouldn’t make an effort. She could just have said “no.” 

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