Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 9, 2020

Thunderstorms passing through, sometimes shedding their rain In full light.

Rose in order to get downtown for a haircut at 7:45. Wondered at the locked door, so I looked at the message on my phone to discover it is 7:45 PM. I never do anything like that in the evening, so it had not crossed my mind that anyone else would. Talked with the workers covering up the Vance monument. A wall of plywood over the hated name will be replaced by a drapery of some kind. I said “I hope it’s something pretty” and the hardhat replied “I doubt it.”

Went to the riverside office and set up my shelves, which, as I had inwardly prophesied even as I was buying them, do not work.

The cleaning ladies taking longer than usual, I was forced to go to the ABC store for various flavors of vodka. The lady made me take the grapefruit vodka back in order to get a bottle with a sample bottle of something else attached to its neck. I am glad that someone, sometimes, looks out for me.

Drove to Biltmore and sat under the trees in front of All Souls for a while, out of nostalgia. The Lay Weeders were fussing with the shrubbery. If I do manage to get a haircut tonight, it will be the first time I’ve been downtown in the evening since early March.

Wore holes in my L L Bean flannel sheet. Who wears holes in his sheet?

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