Sunday, July 12, 2020

July 12, 2020

GGD is posting again about how Covid19 is a sham and the best way to protect against it is to stop listening to the news. It’s everything I can do not to respond “Bad poetry=Bad science.” I don’t get nearly enough credit for my forbearance.

Dug out some old exercise tapes and began using them, to immediate and encouraging effect. The theory of the tapes is to train like a boxer. Sweaty, not out of breath, feeling of virtue far into the next day. Second round today.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I don’t feel pressure to get revising, submission, etc done? “Plenty of time” says I. Is there?  Even with the fan aimed at my head, my study is too hot-–too nap-inducing–for sustained application. Maud sleeps on my foot and does not stir from hour to hour.

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