Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 7, 2020

BB’s review of Night, Sleep appears in the online version of Rapid River (there is ONLY an online version now). It makes the book seem very important indeed. It also makes it seem like I’m in some kind of war with Thomas Wolfe. The review, perhaps to mirror the book itself, is eloquent and full of typos. I can’t figure out how to print or download the pages, so the review may be lost to me over time, but right now I’m happy and sending it to anyone I imagine might be remotely interested.

SdG snipped, “My, that was a wordy review. . .”

I believe this is the first time Rapid River ever took notice of my existence.

Chopping out rogue walnuts, planted by squirrels. Cleared out around the sassafras, trying to save it.

Made an appointment for a haircut.

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