Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 8, 2020

Woke feeling better than I have at any time since the Onset.

Went to school twice. Tiny load of goods taken out of my office.  Lots of construction, but, other than that, a desert. At least statistically the institution is failing, but new and refurbished buildings go up everywhere. Some plan in the darkness, maybe, ready to leap forward. Blue tape arrows have been laid down in Karpen indicating one way traffic in the halls–ludicrous and unobeyable. To get from my office to any classroom except the one across the hall I have to go to the stairway, go downstairs (hoping that the arrows on the first floor are in my favor–I didn’t check) come up another stairway at the other end back onto my floor. I feel almost embarrassed to have chosen exactly the right moment to retire.  I must come to an understanding of why I feel no nostalgia for the place at all, not even a little bit.

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