Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 7, 2020

Rose and drove downtown, where I walked through the morning on essentially deserted streets. Took pictures of the remnants of the demonstrations– most of which were honorific, remembrances of the righteous dead, encouraging admonitions painted on plywood, and like that. Some vandalism. Noted that the redone BB&T is actually quite pretty. Also noted that I was not winded, and I walked for a long time. Will put that to a second test tomorrow. The days are hot and humid; that is the way I like them. Have not had or wanted air conditioning since I left Chunns Cove. Only three nights ago did I put away my winter comforter. I left the back door open when I went downtown, and when I returned, Maud was standing on the east porch, looking bewildered and discomfited. She preceded me inside and then scolded me for leaving the door open. An open door and the garden beckoning her is not part of usual order, and she is all about usual order.

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