Friday, June 12, 2020

June 10, 2020

Lachrimae Carravaggio on the computer.

Rose before light and went to school, determined to make inroads in the moving process. Succeeded in moving the hutch, which is the one piece of actual furniture, the one time I would absolutely need the truck. Talked with the cheerful police lady and the cheerful custodian. The police lady had been watching Netflix of serial killers all night. The custodian had come early, so he wouldn’t run into anyone. I spoiled that. Moving uncovers fascinating files and remnants. I may go through them, may toss them into recycling without a glance. The birds on campus are wondrous loud before morning.

Afternoon: blessed din of rain on the roof.

Backlash against the Provost’s (or someone’s) plan for reopening in the fall.

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