Monday, June 29, 2020

June 27, 2020

Last night ended in a blackout. I was very drunk, but, judging from the spent matches, I apparently tried unsuccessfully to light a candle. A curious thing is that this computer seems not to have gone off. It does not restart itself after being turned off, and it was running when I came upstairs a few minutes past.  I do remember that it was wondrous dark, a deep glory and perfection of darkness.

Naomi has left All Souls. There is a tone of acrimony which nobody– at least nobody at the Zoom party last night–understands.

Waterlilies of white, gold, and red blooming in the pond. Vervain and deep velvet purple gladiolas The first orange zinnias, already riddled with beetles.

SS is publishing Washington Place. The labor and self-education that he’s put into this project is, to me, remarkable. I realize I’m not much of a detail person. It’s hard to know where this will lead, but, as Pound says, to do rather than not doing, that is not vanity. 

Yellow haze. The African dust storm.

Maud crosses the room to sleep on my foot. She is happiest there. 

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