Saturday, May 2, 2020

May 1, 2020

Brilliant sun when I arose has become troubled and blustery. My yard is beautiful, and almost no one sees it. What is revealed to be date nut bread was brought by “your neighbor Peggy,” whoever that is. Sent a letter to Dawn Deppen, after all these years discovering her married name and her whereabouts. I have no idea what her memories of me are. Mine of her are abundant and contradictory. I think we were rivals for the role of congregational intellectual, though many thought our rivalry was a kind of affection and we were destined to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Her mother was the first adult ever to take me seriously as a person. I think she might have hated me a little, but that was part of the package.

If I get Covid 19 I will die. I can hardly breathe anyway. It gives all of this an added level of immediacy.

Joined a new streaming service, watching Surf Nazis Must Die.

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