Saturday, February 15, 2020

February 15, 2020

Woke with strange alacrity, the sky clear as it has not been.

Theater last night, Sublime at the BeBe. The play was thoughtful, skillful, and thought-provoking, its diamond-hard dialog delivered nobly by the cast.  We’d been studying The Recruiting Officer in class, and the plays echo each other unexpectedly: Farquhar suspends action for the sake of pages of witty repartee, in his case bawdy. Lundblad suspends–pretty much eliminates–action for the sake of witty repartee, in his case philosophical. Not everyone’s cup of tea, as the sparse house witnessed. But I wonder WHY not everyone’s cup of tea? I thought it was fun. The same thing happens in chorus, when people whine that serious music isn’t “fun.” I think it’s fun. I thought Goodnight Troublemaker was fun. People are too finical concerning what they will allow to give them pleasure. Passed through the glittering Asheville downtown night toward my car, thinking I had seen something worth seeing.

Sang the “Star Spangled Banner” for the UNCA basketball game, an unexpectedly sweet experience. Taking into account the size of the venue, the girls’ basketball game was as sparsely attended as any evening of experimental theater. Find comfort there.

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