Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 5, 2018

Back to the Racquet Club in the dark of the morning. Ran 1/3 of a mile and did my weights. I could have done more. And still I rise. Sat in the café and wrote on Jason. Fluffy snow flew into my headlights as I drove.

The department sailed through a potentially acrimonious meeting yesterday. Nothing much was agreed upon, but incipient grievances were aired and dissipated. I am proud of us. We may be the only department on campus in which there has not been, in my tenure, inner upheaval. 

The news headlines on television have been 1) the death of George H W Bush and 2) a big snowfall which is not expected until Saturday night. North Buncombe schools closed today because it is cold. The gleeful TV weathermen revel in having, for once, the headline. 

As for Bush, most of my Facebook contact revile him and gag at the chorus of praise heaped on him officially at his death. I tend to forget how evil people are. What I remember about the first Gulf War was that on the night it was declared I was listening to it on the radio while driving to Fletcher to spend the night with Carol. He had a tiny kitten then who found places to join in while we made love. I suppose that will never be in the history books.

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