Friday, December 28, 2018

December 27, 2018

With the worst of my anemia goes my long-standing, and otherwise inexplicable, craving for radishes. The last bag sits slowly dwindling in the fridge.

Rose early (for vacation) in the rain and went to the High 5, determined to read Charlie’s book. I read one page then set it aside and began a play about reading Charlie’s book. This is why I get so little reading done. The cafĂ© is peopled largely by incredibly good-looking men, often by themselves.

This day has been a paragon of days. After coffee and writing, I went to the studio and painted rather heroically. I will be ready for Perimeters I think Jhierry was mistaken to say we’ll need 30 paintings, unless I’m misremembering the space. He may get 20. Also many errands completed, diving toward the new year. I was happy all the day. I felt useful and fulfilled.

After putting me through days of quite despair, the stock market jumped the most it ever has in history. My retirement is back on.

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