Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 11, 2018

Intricate dream. I’d been doing some important job, and needed a rest, so I decided to go home, to Akron. My father was still alive, but not home, so I’d have the place to myself. When I got to Akron it was gigantic and complicated, like a European city, and I didn’t recognize any of the landmarks. I’d decided to walk home, at night, through the snowy streets, and only with reluctance shifted over to public transportation– a kind of train that was like a strip mall moving. But I realized I didn’t know what stop to take. I also realized that I had not brought my keys, and my father was not the kind to hide a key under the welcome mat. I considered the possibility of breaking a window to get in, but it was winter. I decided to get a hotel room. I looked out the window of the street-train and saw nothing resembling a hotel as far as eye could see. Then I woke, cold, convinced that the furnace was off. It wasn’t.

Before light I re-excavated the car, and bashed my way through the ice wall to get it on the road. Drove it to Starbucks, which was not open. Drove it back, and, needing two tries, bashed it through the wall at the other end of the drive. Walked to the bank, and it had not opened. There was not that much snow.

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