Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 10, 2018

As I foretold, the Armageddon of snow did not, here, come to pass, though other people are bereft of power. My bamboos bent to the ground, and a great hemlock branch from the neighbors’ fell across my drive. I emerged this morning to dig the car out, and felt the incredible weight of the snow. Could hardly lift the trash can lid. Could hardly lift the hatchback. I am amazed that any tree or roof stands up under that. Dug the car out, but as the plows had left a wall of ice at the end of the drive, I didn’t bother to move it. One hears an afternoon thaw all around, and I’ll try again at the end of it.

Threw bread out to the crows in the height of the snowfall. Were they grateful? They ate it.

Listening to “Speaking in Tongues” on You Tube. One wishes that all available examples weren’t so clearly gibberish.

I have not made much of the time the blizzard has given me.

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