Monday, October 1, 2018

September 30, 2018

Rose and took a brisk walk around the block, being only slightly winded on the slope in front of the donut shop–which I passed by. I did this to test my suspicion that a certain measure of my vitality is returning. I noticed first while gardening, that I could heave the great bags of mulch around without having to sit on the porch to catch my breath. Half moon above me. Energetic crying of birds, as if it were spring. Homeless sleep in the gazebo near the Fresh Market. Many of them. I was too embarrassed to count.

A volunteer mimosa grows too close to my serviceberry. Which do I save?

Never want to hear the name Brett Kavanaugh again.  He’s not a man at all, but a symptom of the careless corruption of the Republican party.

Oh, on the day after Pride, I’m thinking how I will praise the gods if I never have to sing “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” again.

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