Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 26, 2018

Students bring Rice Krisipies treats studded with Froot Loops for breakfast. 

Had anticipated all week and prepared much of the day for Jason’s visit this afternoon. Bought a variety of teas, assuming that his recent rehab experiences would make wine a bad choice. Sat downstairs waiting. Of course he didn’t come, didn’t indicate that he wasn’t coming. That is such an invariable in my life I have to explain to myself why it takes me by surprise every single time. That I am simply not regarded by others seems a fairly scientific conclusion. Afterwards I was too disheartened even to climb the stairs and try to do some work. Too much TV, sitting in the wrong position on the couch.

A comment on Facebook about pizza made me remember going to the drive-in in the 50's, seeing and smelling pizza there for the first time and asking dad if we could have some. “No,” said he, “that’s low class. It’s only for Italians.”

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