Thursday, July 5, 2018

July 5, 2018

Called to get the pond motor finally fixed. It keeps blowing the breakers on that side of the house. Called to get new plugs installed around the floor. Funny how empowered and at ease one feels accomplishing a few simple tasks. I sent Wyona to Tom, assuring myself it was finished. No sooner had I done so than I began another revision, at least as radical as the last. Took out 200 + words, found three or four outright mistakes, added a few lines of clarification, took out weak stuff I had somehow treasured. One consideration is that the manuscript won a prize, and the judge read something she liked.  I don’t suppose a revision should travel very far from that. What if she wouldn’t like the revisions? I suppose however many times I go through I’ll find something. The task is just to stop.

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