Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 23, 2018

Attended the Hiram Disciples Church, reflecting that its must be the 5th most attended church in my churchy life. It all seemed rather homespun, I having grown used to Episcopal formality. Met with Damaris, who sails along as shed always has.

Spent the afternoon with Denny, he spinning out the long tale of the fall of Hiram, I spinning out the long tale of the fall of UNCA. They have much in common, though Hiram, older and poorer, seems to be more advanced in its decay. It has to do with what Pound would have called True Definition. Education is no longer That Which Is Taught nor That Which Is Learned, but rather That Which is Administered and That Which Is Assessed. We each tried to comfort the other with the notion that this, too, is but one wave coming to an endless shore, that even this darkness will pass.

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