Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 7, 2018

Planted Janis’ hydrangea.

This is what NCLR has to say about my story:

Watts picked “Corin and Dorinda”  for second place, calling it “a wise story that is, at its heart, a story of disappointment. Despite being an accomplished scholar and teacher, Dorinda watches while her husband gets the ‘real job’ and becomes more and better ensconced in the English department at his small rural college. ‘Corin and Dorinda’ is an emotionally intelligent story about what we are owed and what duty we have to the people in our lives in happy times and especially when we don’t get what we desperately need.” Hopes’s story will be published in NCLR Online 2019, which comes out in January or early February.

Unbelievably tedious final faculty meeting. I remembered why I stopped going. Wanted to show solidarity with our retiring colleagues, but next time I’ll buy them a card. . . .

Last playwriting class of the year. Read through a gigantic play that even the author admitted was something she needed to “get out of my system” before going on to her real work.

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