Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 19, 2018

Happy day, though the world itself teeters between a joyful wedding and another school shooting. We know the solution to the murder of children, and yet we do not enact it. Centuries further on will regard us with sickened disbelief.

Good writing at the High 5 just after opening.

The rain has made my yard a prairie rimmed with flowers. Each day I dig out twenty or so bamboo shoots, though the ones after the rain were longer and fiercer. The garden would be gone in a year were one not vigilant. Going to the studio today along the river road I ran into a flood that was just about as high as it could be and still allow my Prius through. Great brown waves parted from the wakes of my car and the cars in front of me. Good day painting. I drove home another way.

Tonight I want to go to the theater, but I want more to type onto the computer the longhand from the morning in the café.

Once when I was going to spend a long time in the hospital, mother made me two pairs of pajamas and let me pick the fabric. One was leopard. The other was lavender butterflies, and I begged her to make sure the big butterfly spread intact across my back. She must have been reading part of my future even then.

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