Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 16, 2018

Have I seen the Matriarchy? I’m in one of the first situations I’ve noticed, anyway, wherein all the power figures from the ground up are female, and it’s a very different experience. Is it just this situation, or is it what we would see if there were ever Matriarchy? The most interesting aspect is disregard for what actually happened. I don’t mean there’s disagreement about what happened; everyone pretty much agrees about that. It’s that the brute occurrences do not matter. What matter are the FEELINGS of those involved, even what MIGHT BE the feeling not yet manifest, which must be imagined and considered even though they have not been expressed. Yes, X happened-- we all acknowledge that-- but these people FEEL that Y happened, and those feelings must be honored. It is to me a perplexity, and after I’ve said, “but, that’s not true,” I don’t know what to say. Yes, we know the window was left open and rain came in, but this person FEELS that somebody threw a bucket of water into her house, and THAT’S what we must adjudicate.  I sit behind my keyboard shrugging.

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