Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11, 2018

Good summer day, now ending in what may be either rain or a heavy evening dew.  Wrote a passionate letter to all the Deans and Powers I could think of about the fascistic application of Title IX at UNCA– a kind of PC Inquisition that is not merely unjust but unreasonable and insane. Am told by others who have fought that it is a battle that, in the current climate, cannot be won, however irrefutable the arguments. The college falls with this if it is not corrected. There is no Academy without free thought. And why is it always the stupidest among us who wants to rule the thoughts of the commons?

Went to get one painting framed and sold another to the Blackbird framing lady, the black crowned night heron on the postcard for my ill-fated show, which she had cherished all this while. That was nice.

Had fun at Cantaria last night. Did an interview about the early days (was told that Will said, “if there was a hat he wants to wear it,” and since I do not wear hats, I assume he means something else, but it did not strike home) and I was assigned solos at which I did sufficiently well. Whatever the progress of What Ails Me, at least I can sing again.

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