Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 7, 2017

Addressing myself to formatting Peniel. One bout of confusion and fit of temper followed by another– exactly why I got out of the publishing business. Must frustrate R floating over the ruins of Houston and having real problems. Still, my day wasted for the lack of a three minute tutorial and how to do the task at hand.

Man in the line at the bank looks at me and says, “You have small feet.”

Three out of four projections for Hurricane Irma aim it at Asheville.

Closed the windows yesterday. Turned on the furnace, briefly, today.

Run of good classes, the students present, charming, and engaged.

“The Soul’s Capacity to Bear Sadness” appears in One. Brief editorial quarrel. Writers get mocked for believing their words are sacred. Editors too often get a pass for thinking their judgments are so.

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