September 20, 2017
Long session with RS last night getting Peniel formatted. It’s exactly the sort of thing that used to drive me into passions of impatience, though this time I found it interesting, and had to get up and pace around the room only once. I think it’s going to be sort of glorious. I think it was that activity which gave me extraordinary dreams. I went to a Rock concert where the performer was godlike, and above him hovered a gigantic silver airship that changed shapes. The show was spectacular, and when it was over the performer collapsed on stage and the airship fell out of the sky, and you knew there would never be such a performance ever again. But as I was going home– I must have been slow for the parking lot was empty– a man stopped me. He held a package in his hand. When I said, “That was wonderful. Godlike. We’ll never see the like of it again,” he said, “Not true. I’m -----‘s former manager, and I have chosen you.” The package in his hand was the collapsed airship, which began to grow and ascend into the sky as we talked.
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