Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 28, 2017

Watched the following thought creep through my mind: St. Julian Press is in Houston. The effect of all this hurricane, therefore, is to delay my book. . . .

A student from my last Humanities class, and a student who just signed in to creative writing visited me today, candid and joyful, both of them. I think they are meant by the gods to sweeten my day, and they do, when I allow them to break through the apprehensiveness and integuments of resentment and defense. The first boy studies “pure math” and revels (correctly) in the infinity of options before him. The second boy says that theater should be the center of his ambition, but that the real center of it is to be a great dad, as his own father is. If I have any power to bless, I aim them at their backs.

Made delicious chili. Even then not all the tomatoes were used.

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