Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 26, 2017

Hurricane in Texas. Great cloudy calm in my garden, except for the tomatoes, which put forth red and yellow fruits in a frenzy. I recall Marquez’s “Cease cows!  Life is short!” Cannot look another tomato sandwich in the face.

Beautiful dream at morning: I was hired to oversee the planting of a vast terraced garden, attached to some kind of institute. The person who hired me turned into a goose in the middle of the dream, and I had to think of ways to communicate effectively with a goose. I wanted especially to plant a very tall flower with a vivid umbrel at the top– sort of like a mix between and ironweed and a touch-me-not. The name of the plant began with “G.” Maybe I will find it. The people in the dream knew what I was talking about. That is going to be my motto: “The people in the dream knew what I was talking about.”

Brief, rather joyful visit to the studio. Did a rose and a Kentucky warbler. Sometimes S loves me, like today. Wish I could control that a little better.

Cleaned the pond filter. A handsome young bullfrog rocketed free and curved his way back to the water like a race car.

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