Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015

Days go by, when there is nothing much to record, only the revision of writing and studying the Cantaria musical to make up for seven or eight rehearsals lost to wandering. Jack’s birthday party last night. I invented pistachio cheese cake, It was a success. Sent a revision of Washington Place to Emma, whose response was curiously dogmatic. She cited the durable wisdom that we expect to see the protagonist grow and change in a play, and for the first time I had the courage to observe that’s not what we expect at all. It’s hard for me to cite a theatrical masterpiece (Maybe The Winter’s Tale) which does not, rather, involve a set and fully formed character coming to terms with a novel situation. The character does not change in the contact, but is graduallv revealed by it. Hamlet’s character does not change one bit; nor does Lear’s: they are, instead, explored in crisis. But the energy of the exchange did inspire yet another revision, which I feel now is the right one. Revising Edward the King. The sky is a steely morning yellow.

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