Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

Rain. Still wake before dawn despite the silly time change. I need that. I need to feel the sun coming under the edge of the world.

We got a run-through last night, which seemed to indicate an extraordinary show. How good is it? I wish I could sit in the audience and see. It pretty much depends on M, and he is solid. The rest of us would have to work hard to subvert him. My fellow actors have been amazingly kind. It’s like working with family.

Rose and went to the Racket Club. In the locker room the men had hung their pale blue business shirts on hangars about the room, and somehow that seemed very tender, very sweet and vulnerable, and as if glimpsed from unfathomable distance. I can’t really explain it. It’s as though I were an explorer generations later opening that long-buried room and seeing those pale blue shirts, and wondering what became of the men who meant to wear them.

Legs annihilated from tech. Began tripping off the stage steps because I could no longer bend my knee. Actual performances are less than 1/3 the duration, so I look forward to a time of easing.

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