Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015

“Friends and Family” dress last night was fairly well attended, and produced what I thought was excellent response. I myself made at least one mistake in every scene, and since I was not held in particular contempt, I assume others did worse. I lay my first mistake, an oddly and never-before bobbled line, to the fact that I thought I was going to shit myself at that moment, and couldn’t decide what to do about it. I scolded my bowel, “I had a cup of potato salad three hours ago!” It finally saw reason.  The play is three hours long, and probably shouldn’t be. From backstage Tech is cumbersome, but maybe it is magnificent from the angle from which it is meant to be seen. Made maple walnut white chocolate chip cookies for backstage, and they were gobbled up. Returned to see a raccoon scurrying from my feeder, and when I sat down to watch a little TV and drink a little Moscato, saw the silhouette of an opossum at the same place. It was very serene in the lamplight and the thin gliding mist.

Tavistock Square was a finalist in the Tennessee Williams Festival contest, though not the Grand Prize winner, which was something about jazz.

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