Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015

My father’s 96th birthday.

Eventful Thursday. I took my notebook to Edna’s Café and waited maybe 30 seconds for inspiration to strike. Wrote the first act of a new play, an addition to the Lincoln cycle, totally new, and mystical. Cultivated in the garden; drove nostalgically to Reems Creek to see if they had anything for me to plant; bought a new water garden (feed trough) at Tractor Supply; came home to a shipment of Jackson & Perkins roses; planted them. Emptied the old water garden to find that Lawrence the Fish has disappeared. No fish body or tiny fish bones, so I assume he has ascended to some higher state of being. But I miss him. Was going to clean and fill the water gardens, but discovered that the pipe leading to the outdoor faucet fell to the cold, and must wait for the plumber to accomplish that.

Best Amadeus yet, for me. The audiences have been hugely appreciative.
Watched the opossum feeding in misty darkness.

Breakfast-lunch of Chinese take-out. Will sleep and work on my play until it’s time to smear on the make-up.

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