Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5, 2014

The Fourth made me happy this year. The day was brilliant; I did nothing; I felt sometimes vaguely and sometimes quite pointedly patriotic. Kimberly Avenue flapped with flags. Ended the day standing with DJ and Cabernet in my great eye-on-the-sky waiting for the great volley of downtown fireworks which, curiously, never came. Smaller versions volleyed and thundered from all sides. A satellite scurried over, and vast blinking hulls of airships, and a vapor tail that nothing visible had made. The stars had a hard time fighting the streetlights. The hollowed-out moon stood low in the west, and brilliant. Caught my rue at the brink of dehydration. Will look when the light comes to see if I brought her back. Odd dream at waking: A woman and I were waiting to vote on which was the best bathroom in Europe. It had come down to one in a country so small that our nominee was the only bathroom in it. My body eventually realized that dream-mind was telling it how bad it had to go to the bathroom, so get up and do it. The day begins. Two crows wrangle in the airy distance.

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