Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2, 2014

Yesterday represented a low point of summer torpor that I do not wish to duplicate. If I did anything of note, I don’t remember it. Read in the Gospel of Mark about that mysterious naked boy who follows Christ out of Gesthemane, and then saw on TV a program about the “secret Gospel of Mark” wherein Christ spends all night with a naked boy who loves him after he has raised him from the dead– and who wouldn’t? What I know is that Christianity was captured by the small-minded in its first three centuries and has not recovered. And it would take another Christ to set us back upon the original road. I remembered too walking through Shining Rock years ago imagining that I was the one to write the Third Testament, the one that would set everything straight. How my heart overflowed! How my life fell into the pit almost on that day, as if to reward me for presumption.

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