Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28, 2014

Marin Marais on Spotify

The meadow rue is crowned with delicate lilac flowers. Every time I see it I am filled with a swelling of joy. What is better, I forget that it’s there, so each time I enter the back bathroom and discover it in its shady corner, the pleasure renews. There came a tremendous thunderstorm last night, the rain as hard as I ever hope to see it, for a few minutes. When I peered out into the dark this waking, I saw that the lawn chairs had been blown into the rue’s plot. I rushed out, but even in the dark I could see that the lacy plant stood firm, despite the storm, despite the masses the storm hurled at it. The metal watering can was blown from under the back porch and half way across the lawn. The screen was blasted out of the attic window.  One pine limb is down, but in the dark I could see no other damage. No need for watering today.

Progress on the Triangle play.

Selection of Brando’s Cat by Changing Scene in Tacoma for their summer festival.

Got tickets and a room at the Paramount for Adam’s Twelfth Night.

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