Saturday, July 27, 2013


July 27, 2013

I want to say the Clarion Sundance in Winston-Salem has seen better days, but I think rather it was built exactly like this, tacky, run-down, marginal in all aspects, foreseeing its destined clientele from the outset. I sit here typing, knowing that I could just as well throw my things in the bag and get the hell out of here. It might still happen.

Met some folks, was reintroduced to some folks (most of whom I remembered) Attended the open-mike. No one is at his best for an open mike, but this one was flatly gawdawful, even after the master of ceremonies had congratulated us on being the best writers in North Carolina and avoiding the trap of the horrible open-mike. The best one could say is that there was a sweaty and ego-maniacal battle for the middle.

Went shopping at the Family Dollar, where we had a big laugh over Aunt Betty’s Closet– the ABC store. Afternoon drinks at a nice bar nearby, wth a golf theme. I liked the people there. The Caesar salad was. . .  not that, in any case.

Interesting dreams, though: I was asked to help rebuilt Troy, and we stood around wondering what architectural style would be best for this and that, The sea had come back and washed the edge of the ruins. Hiram stood adjacent to Troy, and I was also being consulted on a long, lofty barrel vault which they wanted to rebuild. I was being fanciful– I think they asked me to--- suggesting movie screen and parachute rides and stained glass--

Dim outside.

I believe a year ago today I was being disappointed in my first effort to reach Sligo. That was worse than this.

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