Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day

July 4, 2013

William Billings on the radio. A day of impending Americana.

Watched Lawrence the fish in his pool last night. The rain had filled it up, and it was overflowing, and Lawrence kept nosing the spot where it overflowed, patrolling that section like a hungry shark. Clearly he wanted to go where the water was going. I had anxiety that he would jump out, and stood watching a long time, but realized I couldn’t be there through the watches of the night, and what would happen, would happen. Then I thought this is what parents must feel when they see a child going astray. Eventually one must look away.

When day broke I ran out into the rain to check the water gardens. Lawrence glides safe at the bottom of his pool.

Reading this morning in the cafĂ© an article which points out that six Americans died this year in terrorist-related events (all at the Boston Marathon), while nine died from infants accidentally firing guns, with ten more injured. I can be forgiven for believing that all our talk about security– all the check points and surveillance and asininity at airports-- has behind it an agenda other than public safety.

There cannot be so much water in the air. We are bewitched.

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